Student Ministries
High school and Middle school students meet together Sunday mornings on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. All students meet Sunday nights from 6:30-9PM at GCC. We eat dinner together, play games, study God’s word, and end in small group time. However, in the summer student groups meet less frequently and have more events. Please see the schedules below for details.
A monthly schedule for Crossroads and Impact is available to view below. You can also sign up for Remind Texts to get notifications for our schedule and weekly meetings. Contact Jesse for details.
For Student Remind Notifications, text “@gccstu2024” to 81010
Who we are
Vision Statement: We exist to raise up young disciples towards maturity in Christ.
Mission Statement: To train young disciples to know, love, and serve Christ.
Email Jesse Smothers - Pastor of Students and Children, to receive texts for student gatherings and updates, and for general questions about Student Ministries
(Grades 6-8)
Crossroads meets every Sunday night from 6:30-9PM, and every 2nd and 4th Sunday morning.
Crossroads is a great time for students to develop real friendships with one another as we try to love God more each day. Crossroads is where Students start to make their faith their own.
(Grades 9-12)
Impact meets every Sunday night from 6:30-9PM, and every 2nd and 4th Sunday morning.
Impact is the final step of Next Generation Ministries. Students are encouraged to think deeper about Christ and what a life of discipleship truly means for them. We hope to equip your students for a life post school.
Pray for Me Campaign
One of the values we hold to here at GCC is a desire to be an inter-generational community. We recognize that it is our responsibility to pass down the truth of the Gospel to our children and students, while also recognizing that their discipleship and contributions are not just for the future, but are vital now. One of the ways we are seeking to cultivate that culture, is through our Pray For Me Campaign to pair each of our students from 1st-12th grade up with an individual in our church to commit to praying daily for them for the school year. If you would like to sign up to pray for one of our students, please sign up below. Contact Pat Fuelling or Jesse Smothers as needed.