300 Course
Upcoming 300 Course: Facing OUrselves in the mirror of God’s love
The majority of people don't particularly like seeing themselves in photographs, or even in the mirror. While we may come to some kind of uneasy 'self-acceptance,' the list of things we might want to change about ourselves can be long. We didn't become who we are by accident; and neither did we choose all the characteristics we now live with.
This "300" class takes a deeper dive into the external and internal factors which formed us into the people we are today. We'll consider some essential 'first-steps' to coming to terms with what we can't change, as well as beginning to change the things we can.
This will be an informative, encouraging, and possibly disrupting (in a good way!) five weeks. Plan to join us Tuesdays, November 12 to December 10, 6:30 pm at GCC. Snacks and childcare up to 4th grade is provided. Please register here or at the Welcome Center.
What is 300?
If we think of a university, 100 and 200 level classes are essentially general education for all students, but 300 level course begins the journey toward a specific field. We view these courses as a way to dive deeper into topics of importance for our discipleship and the formation of a Biblical worldview. The best thing about 300 courses are they are an opportunity to learn the way God designed us to learn, in community. We trust this is an environment where we can all think deeply, confront our own preconceived ideas, and encourage one another.